keyword research and seo

Unveiling the Magic of Keyword Research and SEO

Keywords are the breadcrumbs that lead people to your website. They're how folks find things on the vast expanse of the internet. And why should you care? Because without the right keywords, your website might as well be a needle in a haystack - lost in the abyss of cyberspace.

Quick Jump

You’ve got a website…
You’ve got killer content…
But there’s one little thing standing between you and online success: keywords!
Yep, those magical little words that hold the power to make or break your online visibility.

I’m here to demystify the art of keyword research and show you how to do it for free.

Types of Keywords

Not all keywords are created equal. You’ve got your short keywords, which bring in lots of traffic but are super competitive. Then there are the long keywords, also known as key phrases, which may have lower search volume but are less competitive and more targeted to your audience’s needs.

There are four main types of keywords you need to know about:

  • Branded keywords: Think “Nike” or “Apple”—these are keywords specific to your brand.
  • Transactional keywords: Keywords like “web designer” that signal intent to make a purchase or hire a service.
  • Informational keywords: Queries like “How much does a website cost?” that seek answers or information.
  • Local keywords: Keywords with a geographical element, such as “Web designer San Diego.”

In a nutshell, keyword research is all about finding the words your target audience is typing into search engines to find businesses like yours. It’s not about pleasing the search engine gods – it’s about connecting with real people who need what you have to offer.

A Keyword Research Process

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and dive into the practical side of keyword research. Here’s an expanded step-by-step process to help you uncover those hidden gems using free tools:

Start with Google:

Before we dive into the fancy tools, let’s go straight to the source: Google. Open up a private or “incognito” window to avoid any past search biases. Think about the topics your audience might be searching for and type these topics into the Google search bar. As you type, take note of the autocomplete suggestions that pop up. These suggestions are based on real searches made by users and can provide valuable insight into popular keywords related to your niche.

Utilize Keyword Tool:

Next stop, Keyword Tool! Head over to, a powerful and user-friendly tool that scrapes Google’s autocomplete suggestions for you. Simply enter your topic or seed keyword, and voila – tons of keyword ideas at your fingertips! The free version of Keyword Tool provides a butt-ton of suggestions, making it a must-have in your keyword research arsenal.

Explore “People Also Ask”:

As you scroll down the search results on Google, you’ll likely come across a section labeled “People Also Ask.” This section is a goldmine of keyphrase ideas for your content. Each question expands to reveal related questions, providing endless inspiration for your keyword strategy. To make the most of this resource, use—a free tool that scrapes and visualizes the “People Also Ask” section, giving you even more insight into what your audience is curious about.

Check Related Searches:

Beneath the search results, you’ll find another valuable section labeled “Related Searches.” These are popular search phrases related to your query and can serve as valuable additions to your keyword arsenal. Take note of these phrases as they can help you identify additional keywords to target in your content.

Try Answer the Public:

Now it’s time to tap into the collective curiosity of the internet with Answer the Public. This free tool provides a unique approach to keyword research by generating a visual map of questions and phrases related to your query. Simply enter your topic, and Answer the Public will churn out a wealth of insights into the questions, prepositions, and comparisons that users are searching for. It’s like having a crystal ball into your audience’s mind!

Don’t Forget Google Keyword Planner:

Last but not least, we have Google Keyword Planner – a staple in any keyword researcher’s toolkit. While primarily designed for advertisers, the Keyword Planner offers valuable insights into search volumes, competition levels, and suggested bid prices for different keywords.

By following this comprehensive keyword research process and leveraging these free tools, you’ll be well-equipped to uncover high-potential keywords that can propel your website’s content visibility and engagement.

What to do with the results

You’ve done the legwork, combed through mountains of data, and emerged victorious with a treasure trove of keywords shimmering like gold in your hands. But now comes the crucial question: what do you do with all this keyword goodness?

Incorporate Keywords Naturally:

First and foremost, it’s time to weave those keywords into the fabric of your content. Whether it’s your website copy, blog posts, meta tags, or even social media posts, sprinkle those keywords like confetti – but remember, moderation is key. Don’t cram keywords where they don’t belong or sacrifice readability for the sake of SEO. Instead, aim for a seamless integration that feels natural and enhances the user experience. After all, your ultimate goal is to engage and delight your audience, not send them running for the hills with keyword-stuffed gibberish.

I created a free guide to help you with this content creation process!

Optimize Your Website Content:

Your website is the cornerstone of your online presence, so it’s essential to optimize it for maximum keyword impact. Incorporate your target keywords into your page titles, headings, and meta descriptions to improve your search engine visibility. But don’t stop there – dive deeper into your website’s architecture and ensure that each page is optimized with relevant keywords to attract the right audience.

Craft Compelling Blog Posts:

The humble blog post – a powerful tool in your keyword arsenal. Use your keyword research to inform your blog content strategy, identifying topics and angles that resonate with your audience’s interests and align with your target keywords. As you write, seamlessly integrate these keywords into your posts, leveraging them in headings, subheadings, and body copy to boost your search engine rankings and attract organic traffic.

Monitor and Adapt:

It’s crucial to monitor your progress and adapt your strategy based on real-time data and insights. Keep a close eye on your website analytics to track which keywords are bringing in the most traffic and driving conversions. Identify patterns and trends, and use this information to refine your keyword strategy over time. Remember, Interweb Land is ever-evolving, so staying agile and responsive is key to maintaining your competitive edge.


Incorporating your hard-earned keywords into your content is just the first step on your journey to keyword mastery. By optimizing your website, crafting compelling blog posts, and keeping a close eye on your analytics, you’ll be well-equipped to harness the power of keywords and propel your online presence to new heights of success.


The head honcho and creative mind behind Storm Steen Digital

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